We would like to apologize to our customers for being closed again after another flood.
We realized there was an issue when the manhole cover situated in our toilet room let up some water before Christmas how ever we were told no blockage could be found and abit of sealant was stuck on it, It then got worse and the whole shop has been under quite a lot of water again.
Keep checking back for updated information. Work is being carried out in the road to deal with the blockage and collapse that was eventually found and the drying out process has started internally but will take a long time due to weather conditions and the amount of water and the time it was sat.
We discovered about two thirds of the floor wet on Saturday the 27th and decided to move stock and furniture encase it got worse.
This is how it looked by Tuesday the 30th when the water company finally got to us and took it seriously
Tanker sucking the puddle out after finding the problem and stopping it flowing in.
Pumps currently working to keep things moving.